Government of Pakistan, Ministry of Housing and Works issued a Notification on 13-12-2024 in connection with Revision Hiring Rates for Office Accommodation 2024. The details are as follows:
Revision Hiring Rates for Office Accommodation 2024
The undersigned directs to refer to the subject cited above and to say that in pursuance of the decision That the Standing Committee on Revision of Hiring Dates of Office Accommodation in its meeting held on 04-12-2024, under the Chairmanship of Secretary, M/o Housing and Words, the rates for the hiring of the office accommodation have been revised w.e.f. 13-12-2024.
The Revised rates are for the following cities:
- Rawalpindi/Islamabad
- Peshawar
- Karachi
- Lahore
- Quetta
- Cities other than specified stations
Terms and Conditions New Rates at Six Specified Stations and Other Cities
- The above-mentioned rates will also be applicable for hiring/lending of buildings owed by Public Sector entities.
- Ministries/Divisions and departments will be allowed to hire office accommodation with a 5% margin above the notified rates in cases where necessary.
- 25% extra rent will be admissible for high-rise centrally air-conditioned buildings in all cities.
- The revised rates will be applicable with immediate effect.
- Cases of buildings/houses already hired and quality for an increase in rent on the expiry of leave will be processed and decided by the prevailing instructions of the Government.
- Cases of buildings proposed to be hired beyond the prescribed enhanced rate will continue to be referred to the Finance Division after completion of all procedural formalities as per Finance Division’s O.M. No 8(68)R-14/83-2001-452, dated 18-10-2001 (Annex-III).
- Preconditions for hiring of commercial buildings and residents’ houses are at Annex-IV (Decentralization of hiring of the office accommodation O.M. dated 16-08-2002 and Scale for hiring of the private office accommodation I.M. dated 17-09-2004.
- This issue with the nonconcurrence of the Finance Division vide their u.o No4(7)R-14/2/2007-87/S/FS, dated 31-01-2017.
Updates of Revision of Rental Ceilings for Hiring of Residential Accommodation
Revision of Rental Ceilings for Hiring of Residential Accommodation at the size specified Station. The cities are Rawalpindi, Lahore, Karachi, Peshawar, and Quetta.
I am directed to refer to this Ministry’s letter of even number dated 12-08-2024 and subsequent reminders dated 23-08-2024 and 03-09-2024 on the subject cited above and to say that the requisite information is still awaited to date.
- Pak PWD, is therefore, once again directed to carry out the survey of the market rent of privately owned resident accommodation of various categories at six specified stations i.e. Islamabad/Rawalpindi, Lahore, Karachi, Peshawar & Quetta, and furnish the same to this Ministry within 03 working days on Top Priority at the earliest.
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