Notification Flat Reduction Rates of 3% Per Year in Gross Pension with 20% Capped Balochistan

Government of Balochistan, Finance Department issued a Notification on 06-01-2025 in connection with Flat Reduction Rates of 3% Per Year in Gross Pension with 20% Capped Balochistan. The employees will have to deduct a 3% of a gross pension if the employees get early retirement after 25 years of service and before 60 years of age. The details are as follows:

Flat Reduction Rates of 3% Per Year in Gross Pension with 20% Capped Balochistan


No. FD.SO(Reg-II)/VII-I/Pension/2025/908-1003, according to the Government of Pakistan, Finance Division Islamabad’s Office Memorandum No.9(3)R-6/2024-264 dated 10th September 2024 and subsequent approval of the competent authority i.e. Hon’ble Chief Minister Balochistan, the Government of Balochistan, Finance Department is pleased to adopt the same policy of the Federal Government as follows:

  1. A Provincial Government employee may opt for retirement after putting in 25 years of service; however, the employee shall be liable to a flat reduction rate of 3% per year in gross pension based on the number of completed months from the date of retirement to the date of superannuation. Such flat reduction in gross pension shall be capped at 20%; and
  2. Provided that in cases of Armed Forces and Civil Armed Forces, voluntary retirement penalties will apply only if retirement is sought/granted before the prescribed Rank Service (if any).

Before this Finance Division Govt of Pakistan issued a Notification of Penalities 2024 for Voluntary Retirement with a minimum 3% reduction in gross pension. The Balochistan Government has also adopted the same formula.

Notification Flat Reduction Rates of 3% Per Year in Gross Pension with 20% Capped Balochistan


See also  Condone of Deficiency Period of Length of Service for Qualifying Family Pension

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A Copy is forwarded for information and further necessary action to:-

  1. The Additional Chief Secretary (Dev:) P&D Department Balochistan, Quetta.
  2. The Additional Chief Secretary (Home) Home Department Balochistan, Quetta.
  3. The Senior Member Board of Revenue Balochistan.
  4. The Chairmen Chief Minister Inspection Team, Balochistan, Quetta.
  5. The Principal Secretary to Chief Minister Balochistan, Quetta.
  6. The Principal Secretary to Governor Balochistan, Quetta.
  7. All the Administrative Secretaries to the Government of Balochistan, Quetta.
  8. The Accountant General Balochistan, Quetta.
  9. The Inspector General of Police Balochistan, Quetta.
  10. The Registrar Balochistan High Court, Quetta
  11. The Registrar , Balochistan, Provincial Assemble, , Quetta.
  12. The Secretary, office of the Provincial Mohtasib Balochistan, Quetta.
  13. The Secretary, Office of the Provincial Mohstasub Balochistan, Quetta.
  14. Al the Commissioners in Balochistan.
  15. All the Heads of the Attached Departments in Balochistan.
  16. All the Heads of Autonomous Bodies in Balochistan/
  17. All the Deputy Commissioners in Balochistan.
  18. All the Registrars of the Universities in Balochistan.

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