Seniority list of teaching staff of BPS-09 of Metric Trained Teachers of the Federal Govt Educational Institutions has been issued provisionally. This seniority list consists of Male Teaching Staff and Female Teaching Staff both of Urdu Medium Schools and English…

I am going to tell you all steps for the creation of your own websites. A website is a main platform where the visitors can get their required information. First of all I will tell you about the purposes of…

Ad posting online work is at peak these days in many countries especially in Pakistan, India, Nepal, Bangladesh and many other Asian countries. Many companies of the world Provide ads to post on various sites. The purpose of these companies…

What is SEO? You all know that SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. SEO is the basic thing that you must have to keep in mine when you create a site or blog. The traffic you get on your site…

Pension documents are the documents that are submitted at the time of a retirement of a employee. There are many documents that are submitted at the time of retirement. There are involved gratuity, notification of retirement etc. These are mentioned below: These documents are…

The rates and the conditions of the Motor Cycle Advance, Motor Car Advance and Bicycle Advances have been revised/amended wef 01-07-2012 vide Government of Pakistan, Finance Division (Regulation Wing) Ltr No.No. F.8 (2)-Reg.7/87(Vol.11)-288 dated 20th July, 2012