The Govt of Punjab has decided to appoint 22,000 School Educators to teach the arts subjects in Punjab Schools. The advertisement of these vacancies will be made during the last week of September 2012. This decision is made  to overcome…

The Daily Allowance for the Federal Govt Employees has been revised wef   01-08-2012 vide Finance Division Regulation Wing O.M No.F.8 (1) R-10/2011-318 dated 17th August 2012.  It is also noticeable that the rates of Accommodation Charges will be admissible at…

The departmental promotional committee of Punjab Education has promoted 500 SSTs of Punjab Schools from BPS-16 to BPS-17. There were 800 teachers in the list to be promoted and 500 out of these have been promoted. This is one of…

Are you beginner in the field of web designing and especially word press? I have launched many  tutorials for the beginners in the field of word press. Many beginners are worried how they start their first post and what kind…

In this slideshow the last posts pictures selected as featured are displayed. The selected category must contain at least 2 posts with featured images. If you have selected only one post as featured then it will not work and you…