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Punjab Anti-Terrorism Department has announced jobs for the Corporals. The pay for this post is Rs. 75000/- per month and the age limit will be 18 years to 25 years as on 25-11-2013. Minimum qualification is B.A/B.Sc or equivalent from…

As you know Federal Govt has already issued the Notification of Restoration of Pension in the month of April vide No. F.13 (13)-Reg.6/2011 dated 11-03-2013 and the process on the said matter have been stared by the Controller Military Pension,…

Govt of the Punjab, School Education Department has issued Notification No. SO (SE-III)Misc/09/Study Leave) dated 21st October 2013 in connection with the Study Leave for the school teachers of the Punjab Govt Schools.

Govt of Pakistan Finance Division Regulation Wing has issued Notification No. F.No.11 (4) R-2/2013-1427 dated 22nd October 2013 regarding the clarification about the Premature Increment on Upgradation. The queries arisen by various Departments/Divisions/Departments/Organizations etc were examined in connection with the…