Vide Finance Div (Regulation Wing) Islamabad O.M No. F.6 (13) Imp.II/91 dated 03-06-1992 one premature increment has been allowed on grant of selection grade.
According to the Finance Division (Regulation Wing), Islamabad U.O No. F.3 (2) R-2/2000/424 dated 26-05-2010, Usual Increment has been allowed to the employees who are at their maximum stage of Pay Scales 1994.
Govt of the Punjab Local Government & Community Development Department has already issued a Notification No. SO-ADMN-III(LG)1-36/2004 dated 16th April 2012 regarding the Inclusion of Cost Living Allowance @ 7% in the emoluments reckonable towards Pension.
FGEIs (C/G) Dte Rawalpindi has issued notification on 30th January 2013 regarding the promotion of FGEIs (C/G) teachers under the four tier formula. This notification has been issued under pursuance of judgment of Lahore High Court, Rawalpindi Bench, Rawalpindi passed…
The Federal Govt Educational Institutions’ teaching staff was granted Teaching Allowance at various rates according to their qualification vide Finance Division’s Office Memorandum No. F.1 (5) Imp./2006 dated 24th June 2006. The detail of rates and conditions for the same…
Today I am giving you the reference of Finance Division Regulation Wing, Islamabad Notification No. F.4 (5)-R/4/98 dated 23rd May 2001 to clarify the concept of Premature Increment on appointment from lower grade to higher grade.