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Government of Pakistan, Finance Division has issued Notification on 21-12-2018 in connection with Budget Updates 2019-20 Budget Call Circular. Summary is as under: Budget 2019-20 Pakistan Activity Deadline (Last Date) Budget Call Circular 2019-20 Issuance 21-12-2018 Budget Strategy Paper Development…

Government of the Punjab, Local Government & Community Development Department has issued Notification on 21-12-2018 in connection with Establishment Christmas Bazars. Detail is as under:                 I am directed to enclose herwith a copy of letter dated 17-12-2018 received from…

Government of the Punjab, Finance Department has issued Notification on 06-12-2018 in connection with Grant of Ph. D / D. Sc & M. Phil Allowance Punjab Government. Detail is as under:                 The case has been examined; Government of the…