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In pursuance of the instructions contained in letter No. FD.PR-10-18/72, dated 09/10/1975 read with letter No. FD.PR-10-18/72(P), dated 04/08/2017 and Notification No. RO(Tech)/25564.FD.2-2/2018, dated 09/09/2021 issued by the Government of the Punjab, Finance Department, Lahore, the following Daily Wage Rates…

Government of the Punjab, Finance Department has issued a Notification on 09-09-2021 in connection with the Schedule of Wage Rates 2021 Punjab. The details of the same are as under for the info of the concerned.

Office of the Deputy Commissioner Multan issued Order on 24-10-2019 in connection with Wage Rates 2019 Daily Labour Staff in Multan. Detail is as under: In exercise of powers delegated to me vie letter No.FD(FR)-10-118/72 dated 19.10.1975, by the Government…