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I am sharing here the details of New Pension Reforms 2023 as per Closing Budget Speech. The Federal Finance Minister Ishaq Dar in his closing budget speech stated that the Government is introducing new Pension Reforms. In the present economic…

As per the four monthly budget, there is a reasonable Increase in pay Salaries and Pension Budget 2023-24 KPK. The Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Government employees will get 35% (BPS01 to BPS-16) and 30% (BPS_16 to BPS-22) as Adhoc Relief Allowance 2023.…

Directorate of Public Instructions (SE) Punjab issued a Notification on 29-03-2023 in connection with Notification New Simplified Pension Processing Procedure 2023 and disbursement of pension through pension roll. This new and simple method of pension payment and pension documents (Papers)…

isOnline E-Pension System for School Education Department Punjab has been started by SEd. The employees/pensioners will have to no more visit the accounts/pension offices for the pension documents. They will submit all data online through SEDHR. The details are as…