Ph.D / LLM /M.Phil Allowance to all Employees Holding the Degree of Ph.D / LLM /M.Phil

Government of the Punjab Finance Department has issued Notification on 22-08-2019 in connection with Ph.D / LLM /M.Phil Allowance to all Employees Holding the Degree of Ph.D / LLM /M.Phil. Detail is as under:

Ph.D/D.Sc./M.Phil/LL.M Degree Allowance was allowed to Government servants where they were is possession of the same over and above the eligibility criteria of the post and it was not allowed where Ph.D/D.Sc. M/Phil/LL.M Degree was part of the eligibility criteria of a post. Now, in supersession of all previous notifications, issued from time to time (to the extent of edibility criteria), Governor of the Punjab is pleased to decide that the Ph.D / M.Phil / LL.M Allowance will be admissible, w.e.f. 01.08.2019, under the following terms and condition:


Ph.D / LLM /M.Phil Allowance to all Employees across the Board


Ph.D / M.Phil / LL.M Degree Allowance is allowed to all Governments servants across the board, working under the administration control of the Punjab Government without linking the same with recruitment rules and jobs assigned to the posts.


Employees Having Basic Pay Scales


It will be admissible to the employees of those Statutory Bodies / Semi-Autonomous Organizations / Corporation which have adopted the scheme of Basic Revised Pay Scales of the Punjab Government ir-toto.


Amount of Allowance


Ph.D Degree holders will be entitled to draw Rs. 10,000/- per month as Ph.D Degree Allowance and M.Phil / LL.M Degree holders will be entitled to draw @ Rs.5,000/- per month as M.Phil / LL.M Allowance.


Date of Implementation of Allowance


See also  Grant of Increase in the Allowances of Doctors 2020

Ph.D / M.Phil / LL.M Degree Allowance will be admissible from the date of notification of the final result issued by the university concerned for those already in service and with effect from the date of joining service for new entrants already in possession of the degree.


What about who Already Getting M.Phil / LL.M Allowance


Those who are / had been in receipt of M.Phil / LL.M Allowance and had / have subsequently acquired Ph.D Degree would be entitled to the allowance on the basis of their last degree, i.e.  Ph.D only and the allowance having been/being drawn on the basis of previous degree i.e. M.Phil / LL.M shall be discontinued with effect from the same date.


Degree Verified from HEC


Ph.D / M.Phil / LL.M Degree Allowance will be allowed only if the degree has been / is acquired from the Higher Education Commission (HEC) recognized university.


Equivalence Degree M.Phil / LL.M Allowance


In case of claim of equivalence of a degree, Ph.D / M.Phil / LL.M Degree Allowance will be allowed only if the Equivalence Certificate has been / is issued by the Higher Education Commission upon the request of the concerned administrative department.


All Administrative Secretaries / Concerned are request to ensure implementation above mentioned instructions in letter and spirit.

Special thanks to Mr. Kishwar Noor and Mr. Amjad Ayub Bhatti for sending the copy of the Notification of Ph.D / LLM /M.Phil Allowance to all Employees Holding the Degree of Ph.D / LLM /M.Phil.


M.Phil Allowance to all Employees

M.Phil Allowance All Departments Employees


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11 thoughts on “Ph.D / LLM /M.Phil Allowance to all Employees Holding the Degree of Ph.D / LLM /M.Phil

  1. If Punjab govt. grants LL.M allowance to Punjab govt. servants Rs. 5,000 then why federal govt employees are being discriminated / dis allowed from the same allowance? Please justify ?

  2. Assalam-o-alikum!
    Respected Sir!
    I am working as Upper Division Clerk (BS-11), in Federal Government Department, having M.Sc. (HONS) Agriculture (18 Years of schooling) degree. I applied for M.Phil Allowance but came to know that Federal Govt. dose not allow the M.Phil allowance to anyone having degree title other tan M.Phil. After clear clarification of HEC the Finance Division dose not pay attention the cause of imbiguity that the Finance Division should allow the M.Phil Allowance to applicants possessing 18 Years of Schooling rather than title of their degrees that causing serious problem for common persons. As the HEC clarified that after the Year 2000, there are ample Degrees had been started in Science Discipline with different degree titles but equal Years of Schooling.
    The Finance Department of KPK also issued a notification following the directions of KPK HC, but the Honourable SC set aside the notification and dose not pay attension to the HEC clarification.
    Is there anybody working/ follow-on the matter as I am?
    Please Reply if you facing the same problem. I think we should do our best to challenge the malafide decision.

  3. My Question is about Para iv What is meant by notification of final result, is it from degree issuance date or from Degree completion date

  4. A.O.A. whether Federal Government Employees who have MS degree (18 years qualifications) are also entitled for Mphil allowance now. As previously Finance Division Government of Pakistan issued notification that equivalent degree holders are not allowed for Mphil allowance. Please any notification from Finance Division Government of Pakistan for Ms allowance may be up loaded or further advice in this regard so that Federal Government Employees may not be deprived, plz. Thanks a lot.

  5. Dr. Muhammad Usman Ahmad · Edit

    GC University Lahore is still not giving the PhD Allowance to its employees. Very non professional attitude from administration.


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